HAPPY 2011!!!
Okay, now that thats been said...WHO'S READY FOR A NAP!?!?!?
The week of Christmas was busy for us, so for our New Years Eve, Larry and I decided to keep it local. We cleaned our apartment and had dinner BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse http://www.bjsbrewhouse.com/. We came home and watched all the celebrations, from NYC to SA on TV...and we had our first dance of the new year.....Estelle Feat. Kanye West - American Boy.
Looking back at 2010, it was a rough year with the loss of Popo and us being sick (at the same time), yet it ended with Larry and I dancing. I am thankful for all that I have and all the good and bad that I have experienced, because without it, I would not be who I am today.
The best and most memoriable event of 2010 is definitely experiencing love. Larry has asked me to be his wife and is willing to spend his life with me.
WOW! Me?.
How lucky am I to have such a honest, sincere and noble man to express his love for me as we strolled through downtown San Antonio on a horse drawn carriage ride.
Lucky me! (The ring is BEAUTIFUL! Simple and classic, he did GREAT!)

2011 comes with much planning (especially for the upcoming wedding), but also a resolution to have more fun. I resolve to socialize more....even if Im tired, I will not use that as an excuse. Watch out SA, here we come!

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