Bridgedette's Thoughts:
I survived!....the first day back to work. :o)
After being off for more than 14 days, and dragging myself out of bed yesterday morning, I survived! It was a very steady day at Palo Alto, but not overwhelmingly busy (since the first day of class is not till January 18th) but there are students trying to fix and update their schedules for class, as well as meet the payment deadline of January 6th.
After leaving work yesterday, I went to the San Antonio Public Library to retrieve a book that I accidentally turned in (the book belonged to the Palo Alto College Library). I was glad that they still had it! I'm my defense, I did have 10 books out from 3 different libraries. As long as I can remember, I have always loved libraries. My Mom would always take us walking down the street to the Bazan library and we would spend hours just sitting in a corner (on the floor or at a table) and read. There was something so comfortable about just sitting still and not rushing anywhere (except to finish the book)!
I then went to CVS to pick up Larry's medicine, and as I stood in the line that was 10 people deep I remembered that it was the first Monday of the month and people were refilling their medicines and trying to meet their new deductibles....it would be awhile before I would get to the counter. 20 minutes later I had the medicine in hand and looked at the receipt to find a coupon for a FREE hand sanitizer! LUCKY DAY! If you know me, I love to have clean hands and sanitizers are my thing!
Driving home, I was happy and tired, but I made Larry and I some salad and whole wheat pasta for dinner. By 8pm, I was so tired that I just ate the salad. Larry walked in with a Redbox movie (www.redbox.com) and as he played it, I fell asleep next to him on the couch. The last thing that remember is the movie credits. Sad, I know, but getting back into the swing of things is a lot harder than I thought it would be!
Today I feel great...a lot better than yesterday, the weather is not that great, but we will make the best of it! Happy Tuesday!!
56°F |
Current: Cloudy with Showers
Wind: N at 4 mph
Humidity: 100%

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