2 Random People

My photo
San Antonio, Texas, United States
We are the most random people you will meet. Sometimes we just like to stay at home and be comfortable and some times we like a good adventure. We both know for certain that we like to help those less fortunate than ourselves (hence why we both work in similar fields) and that we have a unique backgrounds. Larry is intelligent, calm, and humble. Some of his favorite things are traveling, Batman, watching basketball, and making friends with the neighborhood cats. Bridgedette is smart, friendly, and a go getter. Some of her favorite things are watching Matt Lauer on the TODAY Show in the morning, eating cheeps and learning about new things. We have been laughing together since 2008 and plan to do so for the rest of our lives.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our Last Full Week in January

Bridgedette's Thoughts:

So its the last full week of January and we are finally seeing the registration rush coming down. Here are a few of the events that Larry and I did this week.

Larry in Pink!
On Sunday January 23rd, Larry took me to see Legally Blonde the Musical at the Majestic Theater! I was SO excited!! I have seen this movie so many times I can quote it and now it has been combined with the theater..."OMG!!" (a big line in the movie). We had so much fun enjoying the musical and the downtown atmosphere at night. And I cant beleive that Larry wore PINK!!!!

Larry Tasting Cake
As the week went on, Larry and I were looking forward to our cake tasting this past Saturday. So many cakes....and Larry only had 1 fork! ha ha.

Larry at Work
That same Saturday morning, after the cake tasting, Larry had to do a 1 hour presentation at Northeast Lakeview. If you ever get the opportunity to watch Larry present, you would be in for a treat! He always finds a way to connect with his audience; and can always interject his slap stick humor into the speech. Here he is getting his Powerpoint ready.

That SAME BUSY Saturday, we finally stopped for lunch. Our Chinese food was good, but my fortune seemed to be right on the money. There are so many things that I have questions about, some that I even allow to stop me from progressing....but I need to face those fears and allow them not to have such a big part in my life. Each day I grow and learn from those around me!

Walk Accomplished
To end our busy week, Larry and I went for a walk. We have been doing our best to walk every weekend together. These walks have been one of those catalyst times when we get the best conversations going; just him, I and nature. The weather was SO perfect too...80 degrees! After all the cold and windy days, we had to take advantage of the sun. We use the Nike+ sensor to track our walks, here is the lastest walk:

Until Next Blog!

72°F | °C
Current: Partly Cloudy
Wind: SW at 6 mph
Humidity: 35%

Monday, January 24, 2011


Larry's Thoughts:::

Work has been rather chaotic for Bridge and myself. For those that don't know, we are both community college advisors- myself at Northeast Lakeview and her at Palo Alto. I was walking down the hall at work last Friday and, with all the students waiting for advising or assistance, sometimes it gets so loud that you can't hear yourself think. But I did overhear the conversation between two young ladies talking about their respective boyfriends. One was talking about how lazy hers was and how seemingly unhappy she was, which I commonly hear young people talk about. However, the other young lady was talking about how happy she was and how theirs was a unique relationship. The part of the conversation that struck me most was when the happier young lady described how she felt as "love isn't a strong enough word".

Of all the entire conversations in that loud hallway, I was surprised that what I caught was such a powerful statement as that. I reflected on that statement for the rest of the day and over the weekend about the connections we have in life and those individuals that share our lives. Whether it be a friend, family member, child, husband, wife, or whomever, we all form connections with these people. Some are stronger than others however and formulate the people we become. Shakespeare himself said, "tis better to love and lost than to never have loved at all". However I think that it does not necessarily just refer to romantic love but the love that forms these deep connections. If we close ourselves off to love and connecting to others, we truly deprive ourselves of that which forms who we are. A child learns empathy from someone who empathized to him or her at a young age. A husband treats his wife with love and respect that in turn is given back to him by her love and respect. We become the humans that are capable of awesome and worthwhile ventures and successes by experiencing all the up's and down's that these deep connections give us.

My earliest connections were with my grandfathers who emulated to me, as a young boy, what it was like to treat others with respect, to be patient with those whom are different than myself, to be kind, and to use my intelligence in school among other things. These connections with them began to form me at a young age that I'm glad I have retained as I've grown into an adult. Sadly I lost my paternal grandfather when I was still relatively young but I did appreciate all the childhood and teenage memories I had that are still cherished by me. I was blessed to have my maternal grandfather up until last year when he left to a better place. Since I did have him for such a long time, I was able to experience what it was like to mature and grow into a man with him by my side. Losing him was more painful than words can describe but I try to remind myself that, as selfish as it is to want to keep them here, I cannot do so.

It is rather unique that sometimes these connections we form in life can defy time because we often see people mourning years and sometimes decades after someone passes on or simply leaves your life. We cling to the memories of those spouses, friends, family, etc that are no longer with us that we stay connected to without regard to how much time has passed. How painful yet how wonderful it is to be so connected to someone that the very scent of a perfume, a song played from years ago, or a visit to a special location unleashes a flood of memories that are as vivid as they day they originally happened. I think everyone should take the time to reflect on those who we are truly connected to and what connects them together. Nothing and no one should be taken for granted because the future is a book still being written. I feel blessed that Bridge and myself are connected so deeply. The funny thing is that it happened without us ever trying to make it happen but I suppose that is the truest sign of two people meant to be together. I tell her that I had to hit rock-bottom in life to fully appreciate her and the connection we have (as well as the connections I had to people like my grandfathers). I love her very much and am excited about the life we have together ahead of us because she is truly a wonderful human being and our life is one that I always wanted.

"Blessed is the person who appreciates without having had the pain but wise is the person who appreciates having had the pain."

Have a good day and a good week and remember to cherish the connections in your life!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Survived the first week back!

Bridgedette's Thoughts:

Phew!!! As expected, the first week back was very hectic!!

Lines of people trying to late register for classes, Registration systems crashing and little to no patience from students. But, Larry and I have made the best of it all....especially Larry. He has been working from 8am to 8pm for the past 7 days! Im glad that I made some yummy caldo to hold us over and a few other dinner meals so that when we arrive home, we would only have to heat it up!

San Antonio had a "cold front" blow in last week. It was nothing like what the northern states had, but for SA....it was COLD! It was a little hard to roll out of bed in the morning and putting on the layers was not that fun for me, who doesnt like the cold. The sun actually came out yesterday and is trying to come back this week too...maybe that will help some of the students be a bit more happy. ha ha.

Besides the lines of students keeping us busy, Larry and I have been planning our wedding. We are trucking along a little at a time. There is SO much to do, as Larry found out when I took him and my mom to the Bridal Extravaganza on Sunday January 9th! ;o) There was a lot to see and taste (Larry's Favorite Part). We should be sending out our Save the Date very soon!

This past Sunday Larry and I took our engagement photos. It was SO much FUN! The best part was that the photgrapher was Larry's Cousin Christina! You can view them on their website, www.twinflowerphotography.com
its under the BLOG section). I think that she did an AMAZING job capturing who we are as a couple as well as the love that we share for each other. It was a very comfortable photo shoot, even though the weather was cloudy and cold. Can you tell where we were? Its one of my most FAVORITE places....The San Antonio (Enchilada Red) Central Library!!

Growing up, I lived about 4 blocks from the Bazan Library (2200 W. Commerce San Antonio, TX 78207). I spent so many hours there that the staff knew me as I walked in...and I was no more than 10 years old! lol. Books, curiosity and learning new things are all part of who I am. I am glad that Larry is the same way. We love to spend hours at bookstores!!

Well, that's all for now. I'll keep you all posted on our lives and whats new in our world.

Wed, 19


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back to Work and the Daily Run Around.

Bridgedette's Thoughts:

I survived!....the first day back to work. :o)

After being off for more than 14 days, and dragging myself out of bed yesterday morning, I survived! It was a very steady day at Palo Alto, but not overwhelmingly busy (since the first day of class is not till January 18th) but there are students trying to fix and update their schedules for class, as well as meet the payment deadline of January 6th.

After leaving work yesterday, I went to the San Antonio Public Library to retrieve a book that I accidentally turned in (the book belonged to the Palo Alto College Library). I was glad that they still had it! I'm my defense, I did have 10 books out from 3 different libraries. As long as I can remember, I have always loved libraries. My Mom would always take us walking down the street to the Bazan library and we would spend hours just sitting in a corner (on the floor or at a table) and read. There was something so comfortable about just sitting still and not rushing anywhere (except to finish the book)!

I then went to CVS to pick up Larry's medicine, and as I stood in the line that was 10 people deep I remembered that it was the first Monday of the month and people were refilling their medicines and trying to meet their new deductibles....it would be awhile before I would get to the counter. 20 minutes later I had the medicine in hand and looked at the receipt to find a coupon for a FREE hand sanitizer! LUCKY DAY! If you know me, I love to have clean hands and sanitizers are my thing!

Driving home, I was happy and tired, but I made Larry and I some salad and whole wheat pasta for dinner. By 8pm, I was so tired that I just ate the salad. Larry walked in with a Redbox movie (www.redbox.com) and as he played it, I fell asleep next to him on the couch. The last thing that remember is the movie credits. Sad, I know, but getting back into the swing of things is a lot harder than I thought it would be!

Today I feel great...a lot better than yesterday, the weather is not that great, but we will make the best of it! Happy Tuesday!!

56°F |
Current: Cloudy with Showers
Wind: N at 4 mph
Humidity: 100%

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello World!!

Larry's Thoughts:::

Ok, ok I know it has been a while since I've written on here. Ok probably a LONG while but those who know me, know that I'm a deep thinker but probably not the deepest communicator. 2011 is a new year and so I thought I'd start off the year with a few thoughts.

For the few of you left on Planet Earth who don't know by now, I popped the question to Bridge a couple of weeks ago. And not the big question of "what do you want for dinner?" but rather if she would be willing to be my wife. Yes ladies and gents, we got engaged. That was a big thing for me because, like most people, I had concerns and questions if this next milestone would change us. One of the finest qualities of the relationship we have is that a good one and, although I know change itself is inevitable, I don't want to change for the worse only for the better. I know people had been wondering about when or if we would take the plunge. It really came down to one thing-- and that was do I want to live my life without Bridge in it? The firm answer was "NO" because I truly believe my life is better with her being in it. I want to take that next step with her by my side because I believe in us, our friendship, and our love. Thankfully, after one "are you joking??", she agreed :-)

2010 was a big year for me for lots of up's and down's...I did lose my beloved Popo in February after him being ill. I loved him dearly and deeply because we had a strong connection. I remember after Bridge and I started dating, I told her that there was "someone else" and she was a little astonished. But after I told her that the "someone else" was my Popo, she understood. I was committed to making his golden years comfortable and happy so no matter what, I always made sure to get him whatever he wanted or needed. Losing him was losing a part of myself and I think I'll grieve in little ways for some time to come. Fortunately Bridge was there to help me weather through it and I'm stronger for it. On a happier note, Bridge and I took a nice vacation in June to Boston and we had a splendid time. The highlight was visiting Fenway Park and seeing my beloved Red Sox play AND getting to meet the players. I also started graduate school in August and that was something I never foresaw me doing because my goal had been to finish my Bachelors degree, which I did 10 years ago. But I knew the time had come to undertake the next academic challenge of my life and I did well having earned two A's. I'm going for a Master of Science degree in Organizational Leadership at Our Lady of the Lake University. This degree suited me because it is interdisciplinary in nature and applicable to virtually any endeavor I go for in life. 2010 was challenging because both Bridge and I got sick in July. I developed a staph infection in my leg which required surgery to get out. That was particularly concerning since I am a diabetic. But the docs did what they were supposed to and I made it through. Bridge got shingles about this time too and that was difficult for her because it was very uncomfortable. But, in typical fashion, she beat it and became stronger for going through it.

Overall I am curious to see what 2011 has in store. I'm always a believer in the glass being half-full and not half-empty. Attitude can take you far so here's to an exciting journey to us and to you all in the new year.

til next time...

Happy 2011

Bridgedette's Thoughts:

HAPPY 2011!!!

Okay, now that thats been said...WHO'S READY FOR A NAP!?!?!?

The week of Christmas was busy for us, so for our New Years Eve, Larry and I decided to keep it local. We cleaned our apartment and had dinner BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse http://www.bjsbrewhouse.com/. We came home and watched all the celebrations, from NYC to SA on TV...and we had our first dance of the new year.....Estelle Feat. Kanye West - American Boy.

Looking back at 2010, it was a rough year with the loss of Popo and us being sick (at the same time), yet it ended with Larry and I dancing. I am thankful for all that I have and all the good and bad that I have experienced, because without it, I would not be who I am today.

The best and most memoriable event of 2010 is definitely experiencing love. Larry has asked me to be his wife and is willing to spend his life with me.

WOW! Me?.

How lucky am I to have such a honest, sincere and noble man to express his love for me as we strolled through downtown San Antonio on a horse drawn carriage ride.
Lucky me! (The ring is BEAUTIFUL! Simple and classic, he did GREAT!)

2011 comes with much planning (especially for the upcoming wedding), but also a resolution to have more fun. I resolve to socialize more....even if Im tired, I will not use that as an excuse. Watch out SA, here we come!