Ok so Bridge went to the doctor today and the doc says that she needs to be in better health. Blood pressure, diet, etc. You know all the things that we all dread hearing from a doctor. We've been known (or actually me anyways) to eat the not-so-healthy things in life. Bridge said before me, she used to be more active, eat more healthy, and things like that. I couldn't help but feel at least partly at fault here. Bridge wants me to be more healthy and she's right I should. And I know she wants the same too. I am trying to be more healthy but sometimes I feel as if I'm not where I should be but I'm kicking hard to swim there.
Anyways, Bridge called me afterwards, feeling a little bummed out. I was listening to her and, throughout it all, my approach is to try and take a positive spin on the whole thing. You know, somehow trying to put things in perspective that it will get better. But she wasn't having it. She got upset at me and I in turn was feeling a little put off by it all and hurt too. I meant no harm but, as we all know, sometimes even good intentions can go bad. I think both of us were bothered by the whole thing. We talked and we both know that sometimes, even though we are a lot alike and share many common interests, we also know that sometimes we each look at things differently. Bridge just needed to vent it out a bit and I understand that. But sometimes she also wants me to share my thoughts on things too. So sometimes it can go either way and I suppose I need to be more aware of each situation. Last thing I want to do is make a bad situation worse when all I really am guilty of is caring. Communication is funny like that because we communicate in different ways about the same thing. I think Bridge and I are getting closer and closer each day to communicating in the same way and that's good.
While we talked, we chatted about each of us doing separate things while also doing things together. I mean things besides work and stuff. It's not that we're killing each other but I think that, in the midst of the great friendship and love we have for each other, we sometimes might get lost in that and forget about other things too. Bridge means the world to me and I love her a lot. The last thing I want is for her to feel like she's not "developing" in the way she would want to. She has really grown and done well in our relationship and I'm a very lucky guy to have her in my life. By what others say, she was quite a different person before but in a better way now than she was before.
But sometimes we should do things separately and that's great. She's got some good girlfriends and I like my guy friends too. It was mentioned to hang out with our friends more often and that's good. When I was single, I would hang out with my three best guy friends. Not all the time but once in a while. And when I wasn't out, I was just content being at home. But back then, we were all pretty much single as well. Since that time, two of my three best guy friends have girlfriends and often "vanish" from the face of the earth to be with their ladies and so we don't see each other a lot. To each his own and that is good but it's good to be in the company of friends too. But I guess maybe we should all learn to balance things out in life. Even if Bridge is having lunch with a girlfriend or I'm taking a class to broaden my horizons (or vice versa), the point is we're growing both together and separate. This relationship is the best thing I've felt and I would love for it to continue to grow (but not in our waistlines that is!).
And so, to those couples who live separate lives- take the time spent with your partner to discover how life is great and what he/she brings to your life. And to those couples who live interdependent lives- take the time away from your partner to discover how life is great and what he/she brings to your life. No matter what you choose, I think you'll win in the end.
I love you, B.
2 Random People
- Bridgedette and Larry's World
- San Antonio, Texas, United States
- We are the most random people you will meet. Sometimes we just like to stay at home and be comfortable and some times we like a good adventure. We both know for certain that we like to help those less fortunate than ourselves (hence why we both work in similar fields) and that we have a unique backgrounds. Larry is intelligent, calm, and humble. Some of his favorite things are traveling, Batman, watching basketball, and making friends with the neighborhood cats. Bridgedette is smart, friendly, and a go getter. Some of her favorite things are watching Matt Lauer on the TODAY Show in the morning, eating cheeps and learning about new things. We have been laughing together since 2008 and plan to do so for the rest of our lives.
1 comment:
Your words and thoughts are those of a man who shows compassion and is wise beyond his age. This is exactly why I love you.
Sometimes I dont react the right way and sometimes I do, but I am glad that you have anchored me down so that I dont run away from the issues, but that I stand tall and speak and discuss what bothers me.
You are the best friend I can ever have. I think that I will continue to pinch you each time I can.....just to make sure that you are real.
Thank you for being you and loving me....just the way I am.
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