- Reading.
I picked up some books from the public library. One is called "IF," its conversational questions that are thought provoking..."IF you had to name the best live music performance you have ever attended, which one would you pick?"......"IF you could nominate 1 person for Sainthood, who would it be?" (Neat questions, right.)
I also got some other books, but found the recorded version too....so im going back to childhood and I will allow someone to read these to me. I love that technology has advanced, and I will take FULL advantage of it. Im very much about working smarter and not harder! :o)
2. Family.
My dad is retired, so I will spend a few days with him, just listening to his stories and maybe helping him around the house. I like to sit outside on my parents front country porch and pet the dogs and just talk.....best memories!
Larry's Grandma is another person on our priority list. This will be her first year with out Popo. While it is a time of joy, the holidays can also be sad for those who have lost someone they love. She has lost her husband and her little Chihuahua dog Buddy.....not to worry (thanks to my Mom and my Aunt) Larry and I will be giving her a tan Chihuahua for Christmas. New puppies are great, but I hope he is a fast learner...training can be a long process.
Larry and I hope to spend some time with all our family members; Larry's Uncle Bob is flying in San Antonio this weekend from Maryland and we are looking forward to breakfast with him during his visit. Larry and I will try to make some time to take my 11 neices and nephews out at least one day....we shall see how many days we can do, we are up for the challenge!
I wish anyone reading this a Merry Christmas and a happy Holiday Season!