Larry's thoughts::
Family is an interesting thing. Yes we all say that because, if there is one thing in life that is constant, its interesting families. I've always thought that everyone's family is dysfunctional. When we hear the word "dysfunctional", we think right away of something major like the closet armed robber that was also an uncle from the hood. But dysfunctional is something quite common because each family has its own quirks. My family is no different. Our family liked to say "we're one big happy dysfunctional family" and that's true. The relationship I have with each of my parents is unique. My mom is a very emotional yet nurturing woman. I was raised without ever being told I wasn't good enough and she always reminded me that I had value in life no matter what. That's a good thing for a child to hear no doubt. But, on the flip side, I think her emotions are also her weakness because many people prey on nice people like her. I often tell her to balance her heart out with her mind to make sure she makes wise decisions. My dad is an enigma to me. All my life I've been told how much I look like my dad, how I have my dad's mannerisms, or stuff like that. Plus I'm a "Jr" too so we have the same name. But my dad wasn't ready to have a family and be married to my mom. He was too young and too inexperienced in life for that. So he hasn't always been in my life as much as I wanted him to be. But a young boy like myself doesn't understand that so I used to think I wasn't good enough for him and that's a hard feeling for a boy. I've come to understand how unready he was for me and I've struggled to have him stay in my life since that time. I love both my parents because I think I'm the literal representations of who they are. I look at each of them and sometimes it's really like looking in a mirror because they are parts of me. Sometimes that's a blessing and other times that's a curse. Lately I've been dealing with each of them on different issues. So the reminders of who I am have been in the forefront of my life lately. I love my mom and my dad and that won't change. But hopefully I can grow from their mistakes yet build on their strengths and be a better man because of it.
2 Random People
- Bridgedette and Larry's World
- San Antonio, Texas, United States
- We are the most random people you will meet. Sometimes we just like to stay at home and be comfortable and some times we like a good adventure. We both know for certain that we like to help those less fortunate than ourselves (hence why we both work in similar fields) and that we have a unique backgrounds. Larry is intelligent, calm, and humble. Some of his favorite things are traveling, Batman, watching basketball, and making friends with the neighborhood cats. Bridgedette is smart, friendly, and a go getter. Some of her favorite things are watching Matt Lauer on the TODAY Show in the morning, eating cheeps and learning about new things. We have been laughing together since 2008 and plan to do so for the rest of our lives.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Family (our topic for the weekend)
Bridgedette's Thoughts:::
Family. Everyone has one whether they choose to acknowledge it or not. While some days are better than others, our families have always been there for us.
I know that eveyone has a story about how there may have been "this one time" when they were younger and they did not have a good experience or the outcome to life (at that moment) that they would have wanted.
I remember when I was little I would always ask the question "why." (same question I am still asking till this day). Maybe I asked it so much because I know it would drive my mother absolutly CRAZY, or maybe I asked it just because I wanted to know "why".
As Larry and I were at the night parade, I looked around and wondered...."how mothers do it".....How do mothers not go crazy trying to raise children? clinging to them wanting all the toys and every piece of food at Fiesta, manovering children through the crowds, all while securing the safety of the child. How do mothers always have the answers of "why" during the most crazy times....."why cant I eat more chips and sodas," "why cant I have that $20 toy."
I have learned that mothers are human and that they too are sometimes asking "why," even when they are trying to answer a childs questions of why. Some mothers are willing to have open dialogue of the questions of life with their children...and some are not.
This is not a good or bad stance, its just not healthy for the relationship building of a family. My Parents were tough parents as I was growing up, but as I got older they did a really good at reminding me that their door was open to talk about any subject; a rule that is still in effect till today.
No family is perfect, and any family that makes it seem this way to those looking in, allows a facade. Families are made up of different people, age groups and experiences for a reason. It allows a representative of collective lives so that those that are still learning about life (which is all humans) to grow and learn from those mistakes that others have made, so that they are not repeated.
I have learned that not everyone's opinion is right, but that if I listen to ALL opinions I will learn over time to pick out the good ones. My mother was right.....with the answer, "because I said so." or "because I'm your mother." She was trying to help me not make the mistakes from the past....those that she had already learned from.
The generations before me have struggled so that I don't have to. And for all their work, I am grateful.
I hope that no matter how old I am, that I still understand that there is much more to learn, and by having an open ear AND an open mind, it will be some of the ways to grow and be happy.
the question WHY
Thursday, April 23, 2009
random thoughts on haters
Larry's thoughts.....
(and no nothing is wrong just putting some thoughts into words)

You know sometimes we get caught up in the craziness known as life. And we have to take a step back and reflect on us and those who would do harm to us. I found this among some thoughts i had before so figured I'd share it here too.
A hater is someone that is jealous and envious and spends all their timetrying to make you look small so they can look tall. They are very negative people. Nothing is ever good enough! When you make your mark,you will always attract some haters... That's why you have to be careful who you share your blessings and your dreams with because some folks can't handle seeing you blessed...It's dangerous to be like somebody else...If God wanted you to be like somebody else. He would have given you what He gave them. You don't know what people have gone through to Get what they have...The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't know my story...If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can restassured that the water bill is higher there too.We've all got some haters among us. Some people don't like it that you can:
* Have a relationship with God
* Light up a room when you walk in
* Start your own business
* Tell a man/woman to get lost (if he/she ain't about the right thing)
* Raise children without both parents being around
* And not ask for a dime from anyone
* Haters don't want to see you happy
* Haters don't want to see you succeed
* Haters don't want you to get the victory
Most of our haters are people that are supposed to be on our side. How do you handle the haters who you at least expect to have your guard upagainst? You can handle your haters by:
1. *Knowing who you are & who your true friends are (VERY IMPORTANT!!)
2. *Having a purpose to your life
3. *By remembering what you have is by divine choice and not human manipulation.
Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you. Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live................when its your time to leave this earth, you want to be able to say, I've lived my life and fulfilled my dreams, .........I'm ready to go HOME! When God gives you a favor, you can tell your haters, "Don't look atme...Look at who is in charge of me..."
A hater is someone that is jealous and envious and spends all their timetrying to make you look small so they can look tall. They are very negative people. Nothing is ever good enough! When you make your mark,you will always attract some haters... That's why you have to be careful who you share your blessings and your dreams with because some folks can't handle seeing you blessed...It's dangerous to be like somebody else...If God wanted you to be like somebody else. He would have given you what He gave them. You don't know what people have gone through to Get what they have...The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't know my story...If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can restassured that the water bill is higher there too.We've all got some haters among us. Some people don't like it that you can:
* Have a relationship with God
* Light up a room when you walk in
* Start your own business
* Tell a man/woman to get lost (if he/she ain't about the right thing)
* Raise children without both parents being around
* And not ask for a dime from anyone
* Haters don't want to see you happy
* Haters don't want to see you succeed
* Haters don't want you to get the victory
Most of our haters are people that are supposed to be on our side. How do you handle the haters who you at least expect to have your guard upagainst? You can handle your haters by:
1. *Knowing who you are & who your true friends are (VERY IMPORTANT!!)
2. *Having a purpose to your life
3. *By remembering what you have is by divine choice and not human manipulation.
Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you. Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live................when its your time to leave this earth, you want to be able to say, I've lived my life and fulfilled my dreams, .........I'm ready to go HOME! When God gives you a favor, you can tell your haters, "Don't look atme...Look at who is in charge of me..."
P.S.- in case you're wondering, i added a pic of Bridge and I since she is probably the one person who i've felt in my life has not been a hater and liked me for who I really am. I'm blessed to know her.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Lucky and Unlucky day
Bridgette's Notes:
I woke up this morning with a ton of energy, I made coffee and an egg scramble for breakfast and was at work before any of the Counselors at my school. The best thing was that I did get a lot of work done, which means that I met with a lot of students. As one of my students says, "Miss I like your glasses." I thanked her, as I adjusted my glasses, I realized that I was missing one of my nose pads (see photo above).
Before Larry got home I made some chicken tacos and remembered that he wanted to go to the Fiesta Flambeau Parade....normally I buy tickets for both parades, but for some reason I was not feeling it this year. .....but I did want to experience the parade with Larry and just to have fun. Another bonus is that my students from Memorial will be in the I am excited to see them.
As I began to call organizations for tickets, I realized that it would be harder than I thought to find tickets to the most popular parade and 2 days before the event. I love a challenge!! I found someone online willing to sell me some seats. Larry and I jumped at the opportunity and I am proud to say that we will be at the parade Friday night. Our seats are by the Pig Stand on Broadway AND on the 2nd row!!!!
We did try and go by Eye Masters, but they were closed, we were 15 minutes too late. Oh well, tomorrow is another day and its always good when you can use the back up glasses.
So today was un lucky for my glasses, but lucky for us getting parade seats!!!
Ps. Larry was being silly in the photo above.
broken glasses,
fiesta parade,
silly larry
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
sick and tired
Bridgette's notes:
Hello to all reading this! Its been a really long week for Larry and I. Larry has been runing around SA registering high school students, but it takes a lot out of him; he went to bed at 8pm today. Between work and life, he has been doing a great job tasking care of me while I have been sick. Ever since the rain came in over the weekend I have not been able to breathe out of my nose, and trying to talk to students and breathe is not fun or easy...or cute.
Funny thing is that my brother and I are sick at the same time....go figure. I have been taking medicine and trying to get better, I hope it happens soon, because I have a ton of work to get through.
Not sure what the rest of the week holds, but I am hoping that Larry and I can take in at least one Fiesta event...if not, we are going to go and sit on the beach and relax.
Hello to all reading this! Its been a really long week for Larry and I. Larry has been runing around SA registering high school students, but it takes a lot out of him; he went to bed at 8pm today. Between work and life, he has been doing a great job tasking care of me while I have been sick. Ever since the rain came in over the weekend I have not been able to breathe out of my nose, and trying to talk to students and breathe is not fun or easy...or cute.
Funny thing is that my brother and I are sick at the same time....go figure. I have been taking medicine and trying to get better, I hope it happens soon, because I have a ton of work to get through.
Not sure what the rest of the week holds, but I am hoping that Larry and I can take in at least one Fiesta event...if not, we are going to go and sit on the beach and relax.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Working on Good Friday
Bridget's thoughts:
So its Good Friday and the free world is off today....except City Employees. So here I sit going over spreadsheets and numbers. Poor Larry, he too had to go and do a high school visit oh his day off. He had to be there from 9am to no sleeping in for either of us.
I guess the best part is that Larry is coming to my office downtown to have lunch with myself and my coworkers!!!
Just an update.....
Larry and I have been working out each day for a minimum of 45 minutes and our bodies are sore, but I guess thats the point of working out, huh. ha ha. We have been doing the elliptical, treadmills and classes. The hardest workout I have experienced is YOGA!! I know, you would think that its really slow and easy, but Im telling you that there are muscles being streatched that I did not even know exisited!!!
But over all it feels good, and even though at the end of the day Larry and I dont make it home till 8:30pm or 9pm, we still feel like our days are successful.
So its Good Friday and the free world is off today....except City Employees. So here I sit going over spreadsheets and numbers. Poor Larry, he too had to go and do a high school visit oh his day off. He had to be there from 9am to no sleeping in for either of us.
I guess the best part is that Larry is coming to my office downtown to have lunch with myself and my coworkers!!!
Just an update.....
Larry and I have been working out each day for a minimum of 45 minutes and our bodies are sore, but I guess thats the point of working out, huh. ha ha. We have been doing the elliptical, treadmills and classes. The hardest workout I have experienced is YOGA!! I know, you would think that its really slow and easy, but Im telling you that there are muscles being streatched that I did not even know exisited!!!
But over all it feels good, and even though at the end of the day Larry and I dont make it home till 8:30pm or 9pm, we still feel like our days are successful.
Good Friday,
late nights,
working out
Monday, April 6, 2009
Health, Communication, Life, etc.
Ok so Bridge went to the doctor today and the doc says that she needs to be in better health. Blood pressure, diet, etc. You know all the things that we all dread hearing from a doctor. We've been known (or actually me anyways) to eat the not-so-healthy things in life. Bridge said before me, she used to be more active, eat more healthy, and things like that. I couldn't help but feel at least partly at fault here. Bridge wants me to be more healthy and she's right I should. And I know she wants the same too. I am trying to be more healthy but sometimes I feel as if I'm not where I should be but I'm kicking hard to swim there.
Anyways, Bridge called me afterwards, feeling a little bummed out. I was listening to her and, throughout it all, my approach is to try and take a positive spin on the whole thing. You know, somehow trying to put things in perspective that it will get better. But she wasn't having it. She got upset at me and I in turn was feeling a little put off by it all and hurt too. I meant no harm but, as we all know, sometimes even good intentions can go bad. I think both of us were bothered by the whole thing. We talked and we both know that sometimes, even though we are a lot alike and share many common interests, we also know that sometimes we each look at things differently. Bridge just needed to vent it out a bit and I understand that. But sometimes she also wants me to share my thoughts on things too. So sometimes it can go either way and I suppose I need to be more aware of each situation. Last thing I want to do is make a bad situation worse when all I really am guilty of is caring. Communication is funny like that because we communicate in different ways about the same thing. I think Bridge and I are getting closer and closer each day to communicating in the same way and that's good.
While we talked, we chatted about each of us doing separate things while also doing things together. I mean things besides work and stuff. It's not that we're killing each other but I think that, in the midst of the great friendship and love we have for each other, we sometimes might get lost in that and forget about other things too. Bridge means the world to me and I love her a lot. The last thing I want is for her to feel like she's not "developing" in the way she would want to. She has really grown and done well in our relationship and I'm a very lucky guy to have her in my life. By what others say, she was quite a different person before but in a better way now than she was before.
But sometimes we should do things separately and that's great. She's got some good girlfriends and I like my guy friends too. It was mentioned to hang out with our friends more often and that's good. When I was single, I would hang out with my three best guy friends. Not all the time but once in a while. And when I wasn't out, I was just content being at home. But back then, we were all pretty much single as well. Since that time, two of my three best guy friends have girlfriends and often "vanish" from the face of the earth to be with their ladies and so we don't see each other a lot. To each his own and that is good but it's good to be in the company of friends too. But I guess maybe we should all learn to balance things out in life. Even if Bridge is having lunch with a girlfriend or I'm taking a class to broaden my horizons (or vice versa), the point is we're growing both together and separate. This relationship is the best thing I've felt and I would love for it to continue to grow (but not in our waistlines that is!).
And so, to those couples who live separate lives- take the time spent with your partner to discover how life is great and what he/she brings to your life. And to those couples who live interdependent lives- take the time away from your partner to discover how life is great and what he/she brings to your life. No matter what you choose, I think you'll win in the end.
I love you, B.
Anyways, Bridge called me afterwards, feeling a little bummed out. I was listening to her and, throughout it all, my approach is to try and take a positive spin on the whole thing. You know, somehow trying to put things in perspective that it will get better. But she wasn't having it. She got upset at me and I in turn was feeling a little put off by it all and hurt too. I meant no harm but, as we all know, sometimes even good intentions can go bad. I think both of us were bothered by the whole thing. We talked and we both know that sometimes, even though we are a lot alike and share many common interests, we also know that sometimes we each look at things differently. Bridge just needed to vent it out a bit and I understand that. But sometimes she also wants me to share my thoughts on things too. So sometimes it can go either way and I suppose I need to be more aware of each situation. Last thing I want to do is make a bad situation worse when all I really am guilty of is caring. Communication is funny like that because we communicate in different ways about the same thing. I think Bridge and I are getting closer and closer each day to communicating in the same way and that's good.
While we talked, we chatted about each of us doing separate things while also doing things together. I mean things besides work and stuff. It's not that we're killing each other but I think that, in the midst of the great friendship and love we have for each other, we sometimes might get lost in that and forget about other things too. Bridge means the world to me and I love her a lot. The last thing I want is for her to feel like she's not "developing" in the way she would want to. She has really grown and done well in our relationship and I'm a very lucky guy to have her in my life. By what others say, she was quite a different person before but in a better way now than she was before.
But sometimes we should do things separately and that's great. She's got some good girlfriends and I like my guy friends too. It was mentioned to hang out with our friends more often and that's good. When I was single, I would hang out with my three best guy friends. Not all the time but once in a while. And when I wasn't out, I was just content being at home. But back then, we were all pretty much single as well. Since that time, two of my three best guy friends have girlfriends and often "vanish" from the face of the earth to be with their ladies and so we don't see each other a lot. To each his own and that is good but it's good to be in the company of friends too. But I guess maybe we should all learn to balance things out in life. Even if Bridge is having lunch with a girlfriend or I'm taking a class to broaden my horizons (or vice versa), the point is we're growing both together and separate. This relationship is the best thing I've felt and I would love for it to continue to grow (but not in our waistlines that is!).
And so, to those couples who live separate lives- take the time spent with your partner to discover how life is great and what he/she brings to your life. And to those couples who live interdependent lives- take the time away from your partner to discover how life is great and what he/she brings to your life. No matter what you choose, I think you'll win in the end.
I love you, B.
Friday, April 3, 2009
A Friday Gone Wrong
So, after working till 10:30 pm on Wednesday night I woke up early on Thursday......Community College Registration day for my students. I would say that I share these students with the Senior Counselor, but he does not do anything for them in order to have them fully prepared for college. It seems to me that he just does not care or that he does not realize that there are other people that are involved with the process of trying to help the students.
One good part was at the end of Thursday I found out that I was able to get 2 free ticket and a parking pass to a Rampage Game this weekend. I was happy, I have never seen a hockey game before. Larry was excited too. I told him that the game was on Friday.
So after working late the past 2 days I was beat and did not want to wake up on Friday morning.....but I did. The students were ending a 9 week grading period, so it was early release day. Well I thought that it would be an easy day for me, but I had at least 12 students come in and see me, which is good, its just I did not get any work done. But I am glad that they know I will always help them.
So I left to meet Larry at SPC and we drove to the Rampage game. We arrived at 5:30, but the doors did not open till 6, so we waited on the benches for a half hour as the wind blew. Well, we decided to go in after the line went down, Larry hands the man our tickets (which are for a suite) and it beeps I say "we win!!" But the ticket taker says, nope, but you can come back tomorrow.....when your tickets will be valid.
BUMMER!!! Larry and I look at the tickets, and sure enough we had just used our parking pass for SATURDAY's game. So we had to go to the ticket booth and explain this to the counter, but at least they were nice enough to give us a new pass to park. So we left, hungry and tired.
Larry drove and I was looking at the weekender as we were finding somewhere to grab a snack, when I read that the Poteet Strawberry Festival was FREE today! Exactly our price. We drove into a Wendy's ordered and ate along the way to Poteet. As Larry finished his last bite, he looked at me and said, "its Friday".......and we just ate hamburgers!!!!! Great, now we dont know how to read the dates on the tickets AND we are sinners!!! To top it off we are sitting in a line 2 miles away from the parking from the festival and its not moving.
As we inch our way to park, I get this feeling of being trapped and Larry can see it in my face. I try to distract myself by reading online stories on my blackberry, but we are only moving centimeters. So I roll down the window, untie my shoes and un buckle my seat belt to not feel so confined. I tried to read the news paper in the car, but it did not help. Larry is already on it....hes moved over and made his way to the median, so he can turn around to go home. (Im Crappy). He knows that I was uncomfortable and saved the up his beloved strawberries. Luckily there were a few stands on the side of the road, so larry stops at a convience store to get money and eventually gets a strawberry shortcake.
After a MILLION "im sorries" from me to Larry and Larry reminds me that he will never put me in harms way, we decide to go see The Fast and The Furious. Closest Theater is at McCreless, so we went. We were in line, with 8 or so people in front of us, and there were 3 shows left. The next time we looked up, the only show left was at 11:30 pm. We were toast!!!! So we got out of line, went in the theater to use the restrooms, except the restrooms are not in the front for easy access, you have to present a ticket to access them. BOO HISS!!!!
Larry and I decide to use the restrooms at Marshalls, and call it a night.
We hope that tomorrow is better.
One good part was at the end of Thursday I found out that I was able to get 2 free ticket and a parking pass to a Rampage Game this weekend. I was happy, I have never seen a hockey game before. Larry was excited too. I told him that the game was on Friday.
So after working late the past 2 days I was beat and did not want to wake up on Friday morning.....but I did. The students were ending a 9 week grading period, so it was early release day. Well I thought that it would be an easy day for me, but I had at least 12 students come in and see me, which is good, its just I did not get any work done. But I am glad that they know I will always help them.
So I left to meet Larry at SPC and we drove to the Rampage game. We arrived at 5:30, but the doors did not open till 6, so we waited on the benches for a half hour as the wind blew. Well, we decided to go in after the line went down, Larry hands the man our tickets (which are for a suite) and it beeps I say "we win!!" But the ticket taker says, nope, but you can come back tomorrow.....when your tickets will be valid.
BUMMER!!! Larry and I look at the tickets, and sure enough we had just used our parking pass for SATURDAY's game. So we had to go to the ticket booth and explain this to the counter, but at least they were nice enough to give us a new pass to park. So we left, hungry and tired.
Larry drove and I was looking at the weekender as we were finding somewhere to grab a snack, when I read that the Poteet Strawberry Festival was FREE today! Exactly our price. We drove into a Wendy's ordered and ate along the way to Poteet. As Larry finished his last bite, he looked at me and said, "its Friday".......and we just ate hamburgers!!!!! Great, now we dont know how to read the dates on the tickets AND we are sinners!!! To top it off we are sitting in a line 2 miles away from the parking from the festival and its not moving.
As we inch our way to park, I get this feeling of being trapped and Larry can see it in my face. I try to distract myself by reading online stories on my blackberry, but we are only moving centimeters. So I roll down the window, untie my shoes and un buckle my seat belt to not feel so confined. I tried to read the news paper in the car, but it did not help. Larry is already on it....hes moved over and made his way to the median, so he can turn around to go home. (Im Crappy). He knows that I was uncomfortable and saved the up his beloved strawberries. Luckily there were a few stands on the side of the road, so larry stops at a convience store to get money and eventually gets a strawberry shortcake.
After a MILLION "im sorries" from me to Larry and Larry reminds me that he will never put me in harms way, we decide to go see The Fast and The Furious. Closest Theater is at McCreless, so we went. We were in line, with 8 or so people in front of us, and there were 3 shows left. The next time we looked up, the only show left was at 11:30 pm. We were toast!!!! So we got out of line, went in the theater to use the restrooms, except the restrooms are not in the front for easy access, you have to present a ticket to access them. BOO HISS!!!!
Larry and I decide to use the restrooms at Marshalls, and call it a night.
We hope that tomorrow is better.
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